Monday 28 February 2011

New education...a time to rethink - again?

A sad education system which seeks continuation of a defective system...unsustainable, inefficient, fun for the few, failing to realise potential, failing to ensure individual responsibility-taking and true choice.

Economies have been built on tulips and trinkets and they are currently built on games (golf, football, yachting), fun, dance, music and violence. We can choose our sustainable market in anything for which we can educate if we want money as the base; a recent/current one was manfacturing where limits of resources and of later problems of disposal form a slowly arising awareness in boardroom educations of later life. The highest marks in education must focus on those changes which actually deliver a better world - food where food is needed rather than more food with un-health, less population, no unnecessary journeying, production, messaging, etc., and extra marks for more time to enjoy our lives.

It would also be healthy to award extra marks to those who educate to produce ideas which remove those who spend their time pressurising others to work for them rather than for themselves - Human Capital Theory.Schultz et al.

One answer is in E. M. Forster's The Machine Stops. It actually gives us the answer to 'Where does all the go, go?'

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