Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Mr Osborne - Banks and large organisational amorality

Dear Mr Osborne,
My concern overall for effective government continues to be the degree of integrity, trust and fairness displayed in decisions and actions taken. Either the media is being unfair, or government officials are not as they should be. It would be a great thing to ensure we have good honest reporting to dim such concerns.

There is an immediate issue with which we hope you coul help. Will you support the European Parliament's proposal to require banks to disclose profits and taxes paid on a country-by-country basis - both for what it means to effective government, how the World views the integrity of the UK and what it means to ourselves as voters.

This is a crucial step to make sure that everyone pays their fair share of tax and it is sychronous to your already well spoken need to crack down on tax avoidance, both small and large, although corporate tax avoidance is merely one arena of systemic large-organisational amorality, this is your chance to do make a significant statement on one valuable arena.

Please help yourself, the government and the UK, by being seen to act well.

Yours sincerely,

Ian F. Lewis

Saturday, 23 February 2013

'Our' seas contribute much survival, including food. Please support our Marine Conservation Zones.

We are continually emerging as a more involved democratic electorate. Some, but not all, of the work of your party clearly encompasses this and I thank you. Of course the slow-to-change civil service is having much trouble here, inhibiting, even damaging some of the good you are doing.

On a specific point of great concern is the whole 'dumb organisation' issue, where collective decision-making by teams and boards fail to place balanced emphasis on the longer term needs of communities, nations, humanity and the environment.

'Our' seas contribute much survival, including food. Please support our Marine Conservation Zones. Please support our futures by writing to Your Government - now is the time to make a difference....Thank you, on behalf of ALL.
Ian Lewis FRSA