Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Superpositioning in Allness

Superpositioning oneself is a great way into allness – that state where one attunes to the 11 million or so simultaneous connectors in one's brain and thus is not disturbed by the constraints and inhibitions of single or few-framed consciousness imposed during early childhood and social conditioning.

Of course one remains conscious in a superpositioned state, but it takes a form of journeying around the possibilities in allness, not of being stuck in time, particularly the now – useful but now outmoded/transcended. Better even than this is superpositional consciousness where one is in all places and all times and all universes at once. Holding this place through a process of letting go, of daring to be all, not merely seeing all, is at the heart of our true being in the manifold worlds we inhabit. Some of the lifecollege.org experiences focus on the attainment of superpositional consciousness through personalised journeying. Connect with Pippa Lee and her Energetic Coaching at lifecollege.org

It will take time to let go, to travel into allness and realise that we are all and always have been. It is a great place and will reward those who break-through however they self-realise themselves – through meditation, dance, music, performance, stillness, physical exertion, great achievements, and all extreme adventures of mind, body and spirit...for by definition access to allness is achieved through extremes since this is where one finds oneself.

My next input will examine the influence of being allness on the multiverse and how one may contribute and take from time, space, being and all other energies. If interested, please acknowledge this blog!