Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Seeing and being the future
To see the future do not use eyes, use vision. One makes the future so by holding and living this vision.
There are those who want a different future and continue living the present - or even the past. Please, if a different future is what is desired, at least give this future a chance.
In all there exists a framework of habit which exists to keep the status quo: no change, no improvements, nothing disturbed. It is helpful - up to the obviously very limiting point that if nothing changes, nothing changes or 'The more you do of what you've done, the more you'll get of what you've got'. One may even change the breathing, eating and temperature habits in our lives - indeed, doing so may speed our future into being.
Perhaps surprisingly, the future is not a place or a time that starts in the future. It starts right now....from here onwards.
Thus, to change the future, start now. What one wants to happen (differently) begins here. Every vision of the future has 'attributes'. The beliefs, behaviours, actions, thoughts, emotions, values, skills and expectations which form one's future life need embracing. To embrace these is to form one's future.
One needs to understand that one sees not what we are holding on to, yet it is exactly this that is forming our present - and our current, our existing future. Once we change what one is holding onto, the future changes. So look very closely at what one is holding onto, for it is holding one, here, too.
A great exercise is to write down, reflect or meditate on what we are holding. Through this route what is held onto can be changed - easily. Compare past with future. Hold onto what one wants - the one really wanted. Leave the other behind...and whoosh - we have a new future.
Stay in the now to keep the old habit/s out, and stay in the future wanted.
Sometimes there is a challenge. New skills may be needed, new knowledge, new understandings - these are the easy ones. New friends are easier than new family. A new life, a new way of being, whilst a great excitement to some, is a huge rift for others.
Here comes right balance. Knowing what to let go and what one may keep. Some things are mutually exclusive, of course. Think about this. Others may want to travel, too, and some may say 'Yes!' and exhibit 'No!'. Discrimination, presence, action....yet always vision.
Comments please!
Friday, 9 March 2012
The Games of Life
And so, here in 2012, we are a humanity of tricked game players. We are those who have chosen which games to play or we are those who have not chosen but are to play the games of others' choosing. And we are those, the corporations, the governments, the institutions, who are the big game organisers. These also comprise humans, but are not human. These, who have and who have not chosen, but who choose the games we are all to play and, through accident, inability or conspiracy, set the rules.
We play the games because humanity, like most life, depends on pattern-recognition to make sense of its world. Chairs are chairs, friends are friends, work is work, life is life. Fail to fit the pattern and acceptance will likely not be. It is quite a set of games. And all difficult to change.
The main rule is to engage with the rules, for to fail to engage the rules creates outsiders, deviants, innovators, death or even leaders....all, or mostly, lonely positions. These are great places!
One does not tend to win in the game, it is more that one survives to a greater or lesser degree. This would appear to be the aim of the corporation, the government, the institution: to allow survival in a controlled way. Through the rules of history, cultures and unintended consequences, we conform to the games and play - as actors on the stages of life - the correct roles, in the main.
To survive the ravages of a starving or thirsty nation (or, maybe with some earlier choices), wars, one may not have options unless other nations help. To escape the work-wheel game of training>employment>retirement one must win the lottery, be inventive or find an inheritance. To win the game of friends one must conform to friendship game rules - have personality and interest equal-to or greater-than one's peers. To enjoy one's family strict adhesion to its special rules is demanded – or a black sheep you will be. Be careful those who suggest better ways to spend our taxes, organise the fundamental game-rules of economics or change the rules of 'politics' or 'authority', for special rules apply to these deviant gamers and they will be challenged and most likely silenced.
Of course academics have a special 'Game of Knowledge', although this is undergoing a game-makeover due to mass communication. We now have Wikipedia, et al, to share the knowledge-counters, and the counters of skill, understandings and attitudes with which one wins the academic game. A similar, although as yet only partial, game-makeover has been applied to our 'Economic Game', with a recent huge counter-play by the old winners. There is evidence that 'The Political Game' is due a similar makeover through Avaaz, 38degrees and others of the internet-play. Families have been evolving their game for aeons, with state assistance, migration and learning/education the great trump-cards and game-changers.
Then we have the game of 'Break-Out'. Available to those who choose to ignore or follow rules of prevailing games rules. These are they who play the game of new communities. Or they play the game of 'Lets Make It All Better', seeing new patterns, new ways to win through with ever-changing rules of creativity, evolution, being, etc..
And who wins in this World of Games? Well, we have an answer and it seems not to be 42, unimaginable wealth or a guaranteed step on the stairway to heaven after we leave the Earthly Game Board.
The answer seems to be 'Great Happiness' which comprises the following. But to achieve this we have to step outside the standard set of 'Game Rules' which seem the 'Academic Game' evidence shows rarely leads to happiness for players anywhere.
Win the 'Happiness Game by....
having enough but not too much
making others happy
keeping healthy
doing something worthwhile, that 'makes a difference', but which does not cost/damage the earth
having really great friends
having integrity (trust in self and trusting others?)
having a spirit with enough courage, independence and adventure
It is a great game, the real game of life.
Who said there is not a jot of evidence that life is meant to be serious?
Was it Jane McGonigal or Woody Allen?
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Time to review our systems and make the world work properly...
Ian Lewis - How to help empower and move blocked communities who want better.
Brazil is the 'B' in BRIC - the first of the four fast-moving nations. Take 10 minutes to hear how this really happened... "TEDxTeen - Jeremy Heimans - Aim Higher Than President"
Cut and paste this to your browser to better understand your potential and life role...
Jeremy Heimans is co-founder and CEO of, a social enterprise that builds movements to help solve major global problems.
AVAAZ - The Future of the World?
Brazil is the 'B' in BRIC - the first of the four fast-moving nations. Take 10 minutes to hear how this really happened... "TEDxTeen - Jeremy Heimans - Aim Higher Than President"
Cut and paste this to your browser to better understand your potential and life role...
Jeremy Heimans is co-founder and CEO of, a social enterprise that builds movements to help solve major global problems.
AVAAZ - The Future of the World?
Saturday, 3 March 2012
"Ian is a fascinating man to know and a great friend to have on the
evolutionary journey. He’s an innovator extraordinaire, but in ways
that most people wouldn’t necessarily see. Like most new visionaries that I know, Ian IS evolutionary energy at work in the world. Here’s what he has to say about the world of vision, leadership and energy:
“My work is adventure … adventure of thought, spiritual adventure, aesthetic adventure, entrepreneurial adventure, adventure in being complete and free. Every life-arena needs the adventure of new creation to keep it vital, refreshed, true and complete.
Once free, fully alive, open to adventure and all possibility, the future is yours. You choose all that can be in it. Life-energy knows this and (what I call) 'The All' or Allness is celebrated in a feeling transcending future, fulfilment, joy, completion, wholeness. My role as an Adventure Guide is to help everyone access 'The All', seeing and feeling pure source energy and possibility in everything.
As ALL (another name I use is 'The (or Our) Euphoric Field', in this joining with pure source energy, we become evolution manifesting in our world right now. This is the foundation level of real experience from which everything - ALL - happens."
[taken from an evolved except first published in 'New Visioneries'- Ian Lewis
"Ian is a fascinating man to know and a great friend to have on the
evolutionary journey. He’s an innovator extraordinaire, but in ways
that most people wouldn’t necessarily see. Like most new visionaries that I know, Ian IS evolutionary energy at work in the world. Here’s what he has to say about the world of vision, leadership and energy:
“My work is adventure … adventure of thought, spiritual adventure, aesthetic adventure, entrepreneurial adventure, adventure in being complete and free. Every life-arena needs the adventure of new creation to keep it vital, refreshed, true and complete.
Once free, fully alive, open to adventure and all possibility, the future is yours. You choose all that can be in it. Life-energy knows this and (what I call) 'The All' or Allness is celebrated in a feeling transcending future, fulfilment, joy, completion, wholeness. My role as an Adventure Guide is to help everyone access 'The All', seeing and feeling pure source energy and possibility in everything.
As ALL (another name I use is 'The (or Our) Euphoric Field', in this joining with pure source energy, we become evolution manifesting in our world right now. This is the foundation level of real experience from which everything - ALL - happens."
[taken from an evolved except first published in 'New Visioneries'- Ian Lewis
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