Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Ianspirational: '2012 - Global Year of Collaboration' - The Elders...

Ianspirational: '2012 - Global Year of Collaboration' - The Elders...: "Could/would you consider putting your influence/weight behind raising 'collaboration' to the level of '2012 - Global Year of Collaboration' ..."

'2013 - Global Year of Collaboration' - The Elders - United Nations - UNESCO

Could/would you consider putting your influence/weight behind raising 'collaboration' to the level of '2013 - Global Year of Collaboration' ?

I have worked with UN/UNESCO on occasions and currently work with global NGOs, GOs and private enterprises in diverse countries - 'developing' and 'developed'.

In leading change, often 'hand-rails' are needed to support learning, new understandings and action - vital ingredients for our better world.

One early vital step on this 'hand-rail' is improving collaboration - intentions, skills and openings.

Collaboration, as a special attribute, an overt value/behaviour of humanity, might be the acceptable step, leading towards understanding, celebration of differences, reduction in duplication and waste/resource: time, budget, energy, material.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Wanting education?

"These disappointing results are rooted in non-profit school communities maintaining for-profit activities, i.e., external / subject curriculum focus and test scores."

No, I'm not for throwing out the baby with the bath water. We need to ensure reading, writing/keyboard skills, arithmetic/numbers/finance is in our base-level learning, as we also need moral, values, community, health, global issues and self management to be included within the evidenced experiences of being at school and with educators.

But we do need some relationship stuff, too. No one with even the slightest hope of success in life would ever expect to alter the behaviour of another without a firm relationship focus underpinning their intentions and expectations.

Our first teacher-test must be for 'Ability to form sustaining, beneficial relationships with pupils which will underpin learning through trust and relevance to each child.' Education managers should ensure the environment which supports the development of these relationships - events, time-tables, quality-assurance....

Teachers do not teach to earn money - they teach so their students succeed through their teaching.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Living as Pure Energy Beings....Just in case we are...?

Ian is a fascinating man to know and a great friend to have on the
evolutionary journey. He’s an innovator extraordinaire, but in ways
that most people wouldn’t necessarily see. Like most new
visionaries that I know, Ian IS evolutionary energy at work in the
world. Here’s what he has to say about the world of vision,
leadership and energy:

“My work is adventure … adventure in the arts, the spiritual
adventure, the adventure in the aesthetic, entrepreneurial
adventure, the adventure in just being yourself, health adventure
and so on. Once you’re free to live as yourself in these areas then
you find yourself helping the future rather than hindering it: you
become a part of the future and you know it.

My role as an adventurer is to help people see possibilities. As I
move through, around and with people, they begin to see themselves as change
and thus allow other possibilities for change. When they
become that change manifesting - then things really move.

I see visions as possibilities that are already out there. It’s a
picture of what should be, needs to be or will be. A world without
aggression, hunger and suffering is something that is there. All
we need to do is to help people do things that are more helpful
towards that vision.

The world has been stuck for too long in ancient paradigms. We
need to be far more positive with far more concern for a new way. I
don’t think the new way would surprise too many people since so
many people speak about it as some sort of utopia or with some
sort of euphoria. But there are a lot of people who don’t see this
move to the new as their responsibility or their possibility.
Underlying people’s inability to see things in different ways or to
see or grasp possibility is their inability to enjoy possibility.
Enjoyment is absolutely central to the new. To be constantly
inundated with possibilities can be very frightening for people.
They spend their lives trying to create something solid and don’t
like to see that change.

The game for new visionaries is to open up different dimensions
and possibilities for people so they can become the best
dimensional energy they are and enjoy playing with it. We can
enjoy all aspects of dimensionality, from physical energies
(breadth, width, depth, air, water, land) to sensory energies
(balance, stillness, sound, smells) to cosmic energies (being
everywhere and yet being at one as well as experiencing our multi
dimensionality). All these things are accessible by any individual
provided they become confident of, and even amused by, playing
adventuresome games with the physical and non-physical world. I
help people enjoy playing with things. It’s vital, as we work our
way through the old paradigms to the new, to have a sense of
personal sovereignty, a real ownership of self and selfresponsibility
and ownership of our own opportunities and
possibilities in this dimension.

People shouldn’t think because they come from a particular
background or don’t have so-called required credentials, that they
can’t achieve things. I come from a big family with a typical
council house background and, naturally, Prince Phillip has given me the
use of Windsor Castle for three days and in November I’m
running events in Buckingham Palace and in the House of Lords
and House of Commons. I just don’t see these things as amazing.

I see these things as normal and that they’ll be there … and then
they’re there. I’m contacted a lot by the media, but I don’t have a
picture of myself on stage pontificating. I do see myself as helping
the media to become fully responsible and properly empowered to
be able to write accurately what is actually out there. That’s what
I hold the space for in the future I’m working towards.

I always expect the future to be as I see it and I’m really surprised
when it’s not that. It’s about where I sense the world wants to be
and where I’m at one with the world. Constraints are self-created
and don’t exist in my world. So for example, if I walk into a
political meeting or go to work with youth groups, I can see that
they’re sitting in their view of reality. So I get them to walk
through their imagination, to learn to live adventurously and to
move into the future as it could possibly be. I hold the space for all
the change to take place and evolve the size of that space to be big
enough to allow all the changes to happen in the best possible way.
I can do this easily and naturally because I feel everything as pure
energy. The place I exist is everywhere. I’m hardly me at all.

Working as and with energy allows for a fluidity and malleability
of movement because of the interconnectedness that’s available in
the energetic sense. The whole of possibility and the nature of
current existence and what people call now are all one
consciousness, the cosmos as a totally living consciousness of
being. Once we can interconnect with and live as this, we can be
the individual and the whole all at the same time and from this
place, any given part of the whole can take total responsibility for
as much as it wants to at any point of time.

The point at which someone decides they’re going to take
responsibility and live in a certain way is the point at which
leadership kicks in. Leadership is a multi-dimensional energy.

When someone feels or knows they’re here for a particular
purpose, the cause begins to bubble up and becomes present. The
energy changes and becomes quite directional. Good leaders will
have a very clear picture of where it’s taking them. But with the
greatest leaders, even though they have clarity along the way,
there is something else … a very powerful drawing force that gives
them all the tools, skills and resources they need to get to where
they’re going.

Accessing the drawing force is about working to become more
conscious of ever greater sources of energy and possibilities. I
currently feel the drawing from two places. The strongest is into
the cosmos, the dimensions that we would call space and time.
The other is something that I feel strongly within … my physical
existence, my presence. It’s about aligning the two and creating a
bubbling lifestyle in the here and now that follows the flow of the
drawing force.

When I feel for the future, it’s a feeling of euphoria and fun. There
are terrifically invigorating, enlightening feelings around when
you’re drawn to the right place. Ignoring the drawing force and not
moving with it can be painful and deadening. Average is not good.
It’s where the very best and the very worst meet and that’s not a
satisfactory place. Drawing yourself to average is not enough.
Always draw to the very best … the right place for you to be, a
place I call the Euphoric Field, an elongated Now, where ‘Peak
Experiences’ (remember them?) abound and life energies play. In
the Euphoric Field all is one and visions are realised.

There are people who want to stand out. There will be people who
will be needed to show the way and not everybody will have to do
that. It’s a great euphoria in itself to be in the places you should
be, to be the energy you should be. They’re all great places to be as
long as they’re the right places.

New visionaries are the people who live in the right places for
themselves. Some will stand out and some will not. But when
you’re near them, you’ll know them. You can’t avoid that energy,
that presence. People who are not ready to change will be tempted
to reject them and people who are drawn to change will be drawn
towards them to share their energies happily.

This place is where everyone will eventually end up. It depends on
how much you want to tie yourself down to the present. There is
no such thing as not letting go in this paradigm. It is all about
letting go, feeling where you’re drawn to and thoroughly enjoying
being in that place. Underneath all this is the understanding that
the cosmos will evolve as we evolve. It’s not a place to get to - we are here, in an
existence you can enjoy being in and adventuring through. It’s
about realising the world and all we experience is [part of] the cosmos and with it health, art, nature. Seeing and bringing that energy into the possibility of the furthest and greatest future, is now long overdue.”
More at lifecollege