Sunday 10 March 2013

Knowing, Being, Now

One is the number of conscious channels our educated, traditional world wishes us to believe we have. Two thousand is the number of conscious channels our 2013 scientific world finds we have. It seems we ignore by failing to access one thousand nine hundred and ninety nine of our available conscious channels - and since these interact, their power within intellect is cumulative: 2000 to the power of 2000 is a massive intellect, or ‘knowing’. This knowing may be any or all of artistic, logical, aesthetic, sensual, spiritual, social, physical, creative, intuitive, collective….such treasures indeed.

It seems we have a great and wonderful exploration of potential ahead: to renew humanity's ability to enjoy a two-thousand x two thousand-fold increase in knowing and fully being.

Now plenty of us have great abilities here already. We never listened to our agenda-ridden teachers (however dedicated and good intentioned). They cannot know what they do not know and therefore are not able to teach it to even the most dedicated students. We, the un-teachable, preferred to listen to our inner-selves where the traffic was terrific, dramatic and much more complete. Many more, post school, have re-discovered their awareness of what they knew. All now trust in their knowing, enjoying the freedom of greater choice, knowledge and belief in 'intuition', 'just knowing', 'free-knowing', and so on, where this complete deeper knowing resides within us.

There are many more on their way, practicing 'knowing'. Whether 'just knowing' or 'fully being', or 'fully living' or 'being in the now', so many more are getting it. This pre-curser or adjunct to being fully conscious within and between ourselves is the essence of our regained humanity. Yet shall we regain it if our leaders, corporate entities and many traditions remain so blinded.

It is nice that dates are set when these things are to happen, are to come to pass and/or will form an epoch-change for us all - that cosmetic filigree of seers, soothsayers and visionaries whom absolve humanity from its responsibility to simply commit and be all we can be. Yet is seems a vital part of moving forward that we, each one of us, take responsibility for making it happen. It is as much a part of living, life and being as are breathing, eating and taking water. Not that we are great at these, when humanity is viewed in entirety, and consciousness, deep knowing, is not limited to humanity but has to include all beings on our fragile world as well as at least protecting and better honouring and living in allness with our one and only life-sustaining amazingly beautiful habitat.

Perhaps the firm-wired, primordially educated among us, those unaware of our responsibilities to ourselves, our world and all its deep interconnectedness will re-wire in time, and perhaps not – at least in time. But deeper knowing by those who are innately conscious and by those whom have rewired, who have taken responsibility for knowing and being and now, may save all provided we reach a timely tipping point, before nature does collapse all.

Some basics are to ignore the corporate messages (advertising, selling, progression) unless they are dramatic in their inclusiveness of all, unless they aspire to undoing the past and currently damaging practices and unless they show openness for individual and environmentally, not corporately hidden and lobbied-for governmental and societal blind ignorance. Then we make moves towards true self- and community-responsibility.

The opportunity for all to be known, all to be lived in the now and thoroughly enjoyed as the beautiful planetary beings we are is now, and perhaps not otherwise.

Who knows? We know. Really we do. So change something….? A first access to the 2000x2000 is at with other points of access through glipworld and cosmicvertigo

Ian Lewis Adventure Ian Lewis Leadership follow ianspirational on twitter

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